Jumat, 27 November 2009

yuhuuuuuuuuu libur

hei friends i am very happy today :D why ? karna hari ini libur idul adha hehehe . heem i wanna make list nih kegiatan apa aja that i will do in this longggg weekend :

jadi gue tuh abis ganti layout yah you know lah ganti layout means semua yang ada di blog kita ( cbox , playlist , links ) ilang dan gue jadi mesti bikin lagi deh -,- but the problem is kan tadi gue mau ganti playlist di eh ga bisa , kea error2 gitu ga tau deh knapa . kalo misalnya ada yg tau dimana lagi website buat masukin lagu ke blog tulis aja ya di cbox !

nah daripada bengong slama liburan mendingan gue nyewa film di rental dkt rumah trus nonton. hemmm , kira2 film apa ya yang bagus ? sbenernya gue pengen ke gading trus nonton new moon tp karna bentar lagi uub ga jadi dehhhhh . gue juga blom nonton 2012 soalnya waktu gue ke gading , tiketnya abis . waktu ke moi ngantrinya kea uler , waktu ke artha eh sama aja ngantri panjaaaang banget-___-

okeeey bukannya sok rajin ato apa yaa *ato emang gue rajin ? huakakak* tapi kan uub udah deket jadi mau ga mau ya gue disuruh blajar sama nyokap . tadi gue bru blajar ips bab 8 trus besok les fis sama mat dan kmaren blajar mandarin . huuuuuuuh sibukkkk -_-

nah ini nih tugas ips disuruh observasi pasar hehehe gue sama deiann , tp gue ke pasarnya brg sama marsheylla , diory , sama yoan . rencananya si bsok kumpul di skul jam stengah 7 nah masalahnya kita blm tau psrnya tuh mau kemana . bingung deh -_- . gue si maunya ke pasar sumber arta kalo gag pasar ciplok , kan deket tuh dari sekolah , tp deiann blg ke pasar rawamangun aja . ga tau juga dehhhh pusing -,-

hoammmm dikit amat ya to do list nya maklum ga bisa ngapa2in mesti blajar. okeeey bye blog ;d

Sabtu, 14 November 2009

yawnnn lazy day -,-

hari ini gue males2 an hahaha enak bgt , mana dari tadi malem ujan lagi . so , tadi pagi i woke up at 6.30 am , tumben ya pagi hehehe trus nonton trus males2an sampe jam brapa tau deh . yaps trus mandi , les inggris dan skarang nulis bloggg < huakakaks sumpah ga penting abis > . so today i will post something about fashion . nah skrg gue lagi mw ngebahas soal ANNA WINTOUR . who is she ? dia adalah editor - in - chief VOGUE magazine . actually gue juga ga tahu editor in chief tuh tugasnya apa , tp yang gue bc dari gogirl! ktnya gajinya tuh gede trus masih dikasih uang buat belanja biar dia tetep bisa tampil stylish setiap saat , bener juga sih masa iya editor in chief nya VOGUE tampil kucel kan bisa menurunkan reputasi VOGUE nya iya gag < hahaha asik deh bahasanya > . nah ini dia foto2 nya si anna wintour yang mnurut gue bagus dan elegant :

cuma satu kurangnya , dia itu mendukung penggunaan fur dalam produksi baju . kasian amat ya bulu binatang disiasiain buat dibikin baju . trus di , katanya waktu ada fashion show nya channel di paris , orang2 dari PETA ngelemparin the - legendary - anna - wintour - ini pake PAI huakakak , kenapa ? soalny anna nolak iklan PETA masuk majalahnya , pdhl PETA mau bayar kalo iklan itu dimasukkin ke VOGUE . trus katanya anna ini juga orangnya kaku dan terkenal karna lidahnya tu tajem jadi dia sadis banget , dia pernah mrotes oprah karna berat badannya dan dia juga nolak victoria beckham masuk majalah VOGUE soalnya si vic jadi cover ELLE , saingan berat VOGUE . tapi overall , i adore this woman . i love her stle , her attitude , and vrtyhng bout her . she just .. amazing , krn dia adalah salah satu org paling brpngrh di industri fashion dunia saat ini . cool , huh ?

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

retreat super uhuuuuuuy

hellooooooooooo vrybody . sorry ya telat nulis . o iya , gue mau ngasitau kalo since now i will write in indonesia and english . why ? just feel uncomf when i saw the wholeeee blog was written in english . many things happened but i can ' t tell u one by one . i will tell you about my retreat aja ya , bcause it ' s the only important thing that i can remember . retreat itu dari tanggal 28 smpe 30 nov ....

*28 nov* i woke up at 6 . 30 a.m. because kita ga masuk jam setengah 7 , but at 9 o ' clock . then i took a bath and wore my clothes . what i wore ? just a simple greeny tshirt ( bought it at urbie , 27 nov with 3 other tees ) , jeans , and belt . what about bag ? i used koper and a lesportsac bag . then , at 7 . 30 o clock i went to school with my mom . terusss , based on the plan , we should go at 9 0 ' clock , but u know lahh , uda pasti ngaret ! jadi kita berangkat hampir jam 10 an , can u imagine that ? desakdesakan , kpanasan di skul , ga ada tempat duduk karena pd naro koper di selasar . geeez , knapa si mesti ngaret -,- then , kita brangkat juga akhirnya . gue duduk sama marsheylla dan chelle . trus ya gitu deeehh , ngobrol ldan makan siang ( shit ga enak dehhh macem2 ada telor tempe blabla tapi ga bgitu enak apalagi gue kan eneg makan di kendaraan ) tapi biarlah soalnya pas gue tanya chelle ( dia panitia ) katanya nanti tinggal snack sma makan malem doang . trus udah nyampe , kita ke bigh hall to heard penjelasan from mr . guntur , then he gave us the retreat ' s book , and also our room ' s key . my room mates were katie ( katriel ) , michella gahool and michelle umm lupa nm blakangnya wakakak . mr . guntur asked me to be the room ' s leader idt means the key is my responsibility . trus kan kita keluar dari big hall and it was raining , i brought rainjacket tapi karna gue males pake , yg laen pada ga bawa payung , ya udah gue NEROBOS UJAN . i ' m the only person who run through the rain huikikik and sampe di kamar gue langsung mandi ya iyalah uda basah kuyup and anak2 lain CENGO aja ngliat gue udah basah dari ujung kpala sampe ujung kaki hihi .overall in this day there ' s nothing special , but the sessies are good and funny :S .

*29 nov* pagi2 gue bangun buseeeeeeeeeeeeeeet masi ngantuk . trus gue cuci muka n sikat gigi , yang lain kan pada ganti bajau senam tapi gue engga soalnya buat tidur itu gue pake baju senam hehe . trus senam pagi , gue gerak smangat niiih soalnya i ' m on a DIET heem . trus kita mandi dan gue urutan ke 3 ( fyi every room has one kamar mandi ) . nah pas gue mandi , si katie and michelle - mereka udah duluan mandi - udah pada ke ruang makan , nyisa gue ama michella . dia ga mandi kayaknya , she went to the ruang makan jadi gue sendiri deh :'( . yaudah , trus gue raisha siska deiann - anak kamar lain smua yang baru slesai mandi- langsung ngabur ke ruang makan . hem yan gasik dari hari ini keanya cuma dedication service , EVERYBODY WERE CRYING INCLUDING ME , BAHKAN ANAK2 SUPER NAKAL YANG I THOUGT WON ' T CRY AJA PADA NANGIS . TRUS KITA MAAF2 AN SAMA GURU , GUE MINTA MAAF SAMA BU YOS KARNA SERING MAKAN PERMEN AND SKALI MAKAN CRUNCHY BAR PAS PLAJARANNYA , MINTA MAAF JUGA SAMA MAM NOVI KARNA UDH NGREPOTIN SLAMA RETREAT - gue sempet demam and mual disana hiks and gue juga sbenarnya disuruh take a rest in my room but i dont wanna skip dedication service , evrybdy said ini adalah intinya retreat-hem gue juga nangis actually lumayan heboh apaalagi pas pendeta hendrikus crita gitu hiksss sedih banget :'( , trus kita kliling2 maaf2an sama temen , gue minta maaf sm banyak banget orang , dan sama yang cewek minta maaf sambil pelukan hikkkkkkkkks terbawa suasana nih haha , bahkan di jalan ke kamar aja gue masi nangis trus minta maaf sama orang yang lewat huakakak tapi gapapalah , smoga dosa saya diampuni :D

* 30 n0v *
las day . our events are closing ibadah - ibadah penutup - trus outbond yang sumpah ga seru abis ini mah namanya games bukan outbond trus ktnya mau ada cross country gitu tapi apaan gag ada kok huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu . yaudah trus beres2 pulang deh zzz nyampe skul jam stengah 4 kayaknya . yahh walaupun hr terakhir ga seru tp lumayan asik kok :D

Minggu, 27 September 2009

superlate sorry fans :(

heiho vrybody !! sorry id on 't write for many daaaaaaaaaaaaayss . so at 25th , i went to urbie . i bought a super cute zipper skirt and a big bow headpeace . will post the photos later . at 25th , my sisters and my cousins [ u can see it in my last post ] went to dufan , but i didn ' t join them bcos i don ' t like dufan sooo much . it ' s hot , always in a mess and .. i ' m not brave enough to play there hehe :)

so , i went to my church to do a practice , because on sunday , i became the song leader wth my friend , feli . there are many peoples join the practice . me and feli as the song leaders , kak arold as the keyboardist , kak bona , kak timo , and kak apul as guitarist , and kak rachel as pl . then , me , my mom , and my aunt went to urbie . i already told u what i bought there . my aunt bough a shirt for my aunty . so today , i sang in my church . i made many mistakes , but overall it was good . then at home , i did a dvd marathon . i watched camp rock [ i used first media in my home but i never watch camp rock in disney channel hehe ] and city of ember . quite nice :)

then , i did my indonesia language homework . i think it ' s enough . bye all ! don ' t miss me ya [ super lheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ]

Rabu, 23 September 2009

the lame yestedaaaaaaaaaaaaaaii :]

so yesterday , me and my fam went to tip top to do the monthly shopping .. then we went to mangga dua to buy new glasses ' frame for me . i chose the pink one , it ' s uber cute :) .. then we ate at the food court for lunch .. then we bought LOVE AND BERRY MACHINE and CARDS for my sister . it ' s so expensive , the machine cost IDR 500.000 and each cards cost IDR 10.000 . whatta hell ? hellloooooooooooooooo , it ' s only a game and i don ' t think it ' s a good game . we only dance and play dress up . if i am my father , i won ' t waste money on things like that ... this is love ande berry machine :

these are love and berry cards :

can u imagine ? so these 4 cards cost IDR 40.000 ..
ok , enough for yesterday . today ' s plan is : swimming wit my cousins bcos they stay at my home .. YEAY !

Selasa, 22 September 2009

loves the uniquee faces :D

heiho vrybody :) i wanna post about models i like and have unique faces , they areee :

Iekeliene Stange

Our super own , Agyness Deyn
Coco Rocha

their faces are perfect ! they have strong cheek bone and a statement style :) !

crazy at kidzaniaaaaa :)

hell - ow everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyy :] sorry , i don ' t write for many days bcos i enjoy my holiday hehe :) so fellas , yesterday i went to kidzania wit my fam and cousins . there are me , my sista , my parents , my aunt , and 4 of my cousins => kak gina ( actually i have to call her tante gina , eventhough she is only 17 y . o because of bataknese ' s custom ) , gesti ( same with k gina i have to call her " aunty " too hehe ) , mega ( also the young aunty ) and alex ( he is 5 y . o but i have to call him uncle hehe ;D ) . first , me and my fam went to texas for lunch . then , we picked kak gina , gesti , mega , alex and their mum in my opung 's house at pondok bambu . then , we went to pacific place .

i do think that pp is the best mall in jakarta bcos the stores are sooooooooooo big and yea expensive , such as hermes , louis vuitton , etc . hope sometimes i can shopping there :) then me , my sista , my cousins , and mega n alex ' s mom got into kidzania . during our play time ( 5 hours ! ) , my parents watched final destination at blitz ( finally they can watch it , haha ! ) . it ' s so happy to play with my fam :] . we worked as police , chocolate maker , pharmacist , etc . and i ' ve got 334 kidzos :) , happy to hear that :]

after played , we went to big mango ( hehee mangga besar i mean :] ) to eat . there 's a uberdelicious restaurant there . we ate kwetiauw and thin noodles there , ofc with pork :) . after ate , we went to pondok bambu because mega and alex stay there , we also went to klender ofc bcos ka gina and gesti staye there during their holiday in jakarta . loveeeeeeeeee them and the holiday !

the girl who loveeeeeee pp ,


the late post , the syuu - per day

first , i wanna say : " minal aidin wal faidzin , mohon maaf lahir batin " for those which celebrate LEBARAN . next , i will tell ya about my syu - per day , yesterday ......

so 2 days ago , i woke up at 11 o ' clock maybe . hahahha :) and then , i had a breakfast , took a bath , and at 1 o ' clock , we went to setiabudi building . what did we do there ? based on the plan , me and my sista will watch g - force , and our parents will watch FD , but FD wasn ' t played in setiabudi 21 * hurray !* so all of us watched g - force . the film is SUPER FUNNY and entertaining . during the film , the audience always laugh :D next , we had lunch in a chinese restaurant named PUPUT , still in setiabudi . i ordered fried rice ant it didn ' t taste good as i expected :( , so i only eat half :)

next , we went to my aunty ' s house to celebrate LEBARAN - fyi her husband and children are moslems - as usual , my parents chatted with my aunty , and me , my sister and my cousin watched a horror film , something like hantu jongkok or hantu pocong jongkok ? i can ' t remember . and then , we went to my grandma ' s * i call her opung * house at pondok bambu . there are my cousins and the whole family were there :D first , i feel really bored , because my cousins have the same age as my sister and i can ' t play with them ..

so , i only facebook - ing with my mom ' s bb . but i think i can play with them , so i played hide and seek haha . and the good news , my cousin came to jakarta from cirebon :D , named regina ( shs ) and regesti ( 7th grade ) . it ' s really fun to play hide and seek with all of your cousins , you should try it :) . finally , my mom asked me to go home at 10 o ' clock . what a nice day :) ! !

the girl who loves her fam ,


Sabtu, 19 September 2009

gading , again and again

heeeeeeeeeeeeeellow . so , yesterday me and my family went to the uberfamous mall , gading *capek juga ya ngmg pke bhs inggris :)*. after 45 minutes on the street , finally we arrived . fyi , jakarta is not too crowd for several days , bcos of the ied day , many people go outside the city*maksudnya luar kota tp gtw b ing nya apa hehe*. first, we went to food court to have lunch . i ate kfc and french fries . i met my church friend here , kak rachel . fyi he studies at smak 7 . the most important news , I MET MAM ADVIR ! oh my ! i don ' t even think she ever goes to mall . yeah , we all know she is really oldthinking and oldfashioned . when i saw here , she was eating ice cream ! huahahahhahhahha :D

there were a lot of p5 students there . in my wall , jessica wrote that she saw me in foodcourt *but i don ' t see her* . i also met k jeba , karel , anes , and roma . after eat , we went to XXI . se don ' t have any idea what film should we watch . my parents and my sister want to watch FINAL DESTINATION . but i don ' t want . my friends said it ' s really scary . i mean , when i watched ORPHAN , i really really scared , and we know that FD is more scary than ORPHAN , rite ? luckily , we won ' t watch FD because it was played at 6 o ' clock . from cinema , we went to GUESS . my mom - fyi she really loves watches - bought a super cute watch there . and then we went to swatch , bcs i ask my mum to buy me one at my birthday . we come only for see which watch that i want . and i think these three are nice :) what do u think ? feel free to leave a comment :)

a super hello from a super girl :D

helloooooooooo everybody :D . this is my new blog . actually , this is my third blog , but well - yeah , there are some accidents in my first and second blog :(
first , i will introduce my self :

my name ' s prillye deasy octaviantie gultom , just call me prillye .
i live in indonesia and i loveeeeeeeeeeee to live here .
i ' m a jhs ' student @ smpk 5 penabur ( p5 ) , such a lovelllllyy school . i enjoy to study there with my super friennnddddddddss :)

ummm , my hobbies are writing and reading . i love reading novels and comics . my fav authors are meg cabot , sitta karina , tessa intanya , etc . i also love fashion , but i think i ' m not stylish enough to make a fashion blog , like my friends ;)

then , my family . i have one sister , her name is april . i have besties too , they are : vanessa , siska , esther , deiann , and raisha :)

i think u already have enough infos bout me .
enjoy my bloooooooooog :)

the girl who loves her blog ,
prillye :)